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Headley Voluntary Care

A good neighbours network in Hampshire

Hi Keith and Rosemary,  

I'm not managing to get the CoffeeMorningConcert MP4 to download   BUT wecan do lots of other different and perhaps useful stuff - or not?

Headley Voluntary Care Christmas CoffeeMorning – with a mince pie and a little seasonal tipple, if you like.
Thurs Dec 19th 2024 10:30 -12:30
              in Headley Church Centre                            

Once again, Santa will be here, and, assisted by the National Elf Service, he will speedily deliver a present to everyone, so please bring along a present, which is unisex and doesn’t cost more than £5. (There will be no raffle.)

Home-made mince pies, coffee/tea, a seasonal glass (for those who would like it) will be served and  there will be some live music.

Thank you, drivers, coordinators, coffee leaders and helpers, bakers of cakes or sausage rolls and people who come along and enjoy the coffee morning community spirit and donate raffle prizes. Your support cheers everyone up and helps our Local Food Bank at Headley Down on a regular basis.   

We wish you all a very happy and  peaceful Christmas and New Year.

Anglican Church of Headley

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